We are right in mid of the data emergence: a full 90% of all the data in the world has been generated over the last two years. The rise of Big Data brings tremendous possibilities, and frightening too. Technologies make it possible to achieve what has never been achieved before, substantially changes the way we think about the world, and help make rational decision and actions. It also concerns the large amount of information that need to be processed, analyzed, before put to ordinary uses. Analyzing biomedical data from academic health centers (AHC) is a good example in case.

AHCs are the top-tier hospitals who play pivotal role in medical care innovation. From bench side to bed side, they generate data from rigorous basic and clinical research every day. However, only a small fraction are organized for patients' proper access, illustration and understanding, due to the data scale, complexity and requirement of expertise. LINKMedicine benefits general population of patients by obtaining insights through data acquired through their massive amount of basic and clinical research activities.
Choosing a hospital is hard; choosing by expertise is even harder. We know that every hospital is not the same and expertise is truly beyond reputation. Even the most renowned hospital is not the best choice for every disease. On our platform, we focus comparing expertise so you can take care of others.
Harnesses the power of big data for your big decision! We aggregate, analyze and illustrate related data for each hospital. Your are able to make data-driven rational decision best for you. Our data model has been well demonstrated to oncology, complex diseases, and rare diseases.

Our team shares the strong belief that precision medicine is a visionary journey. Through data analytics, we link patients to medical care providers with specific expertise. We are able to benefit patients and families, cure diseases otherwise thought incurable, and transform precision medicine into action.

Each year, millions of patients and families are choosing best hospitals to seek proper treatment for oncology, complex diseases and rare diseases. We are grateful to help patients through our work. They are from United States as well as abroad. All of our patients are unique, but their stories tend to have a lot in common: a serious health problem, a dedicated team of doctors, nurses and our data scientists working co-cohesively, and the remarkable determination to bring patients and families a happy ending.
Our team features a combination of academic strength, technical capability, and industrial exposure. Our team is committed to helping provide opportunities for our customers and clients throughout their health management. Each team member brings the expertise, leadership and diversity of thought and experience required to make responsible decisions for your health problems.