Data Landscape
Just as no two diseases are exactly alike, no two people have the same medical care needs. At LINKMedicine, this foundational principle has been put to work — we overhauled the existing lengthy, faulty process of choosing a medical institution and built a new forard from the ground up, all designed to improve patients’ and caregivers’ experiences!
4 , 614
100 %
Top Hospital Coverage
> 100 K
Top Clinicians
272 , 426

54 , 223
Health Conditions
197 , 230
31 , 756
Clinical Procedures
29 , 233
1 . 37 M
Research Projects
$ 437 B
Federal Funding
211 , 437
Clinical Trials
15 , 760

Selective Expertise Hospitals

Johns Hopkins Hospital

National Cancer Institute

Massachusetts General Hospital

Mount Sinai Hospital

MD Anderson Cancer Center

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Memorial Sloan Kettering Center

Stanford Medicine

Mayo Clinic

Cleveland Clinic

UCSF Medical Center

Brigham and Women's Hospital
Honors and Recognition
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