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coming soon

coming soon

Create a Team

We are seeking community and faith based organizationsto develop teams of up to 20 AAPI seniors that willparticipate in a week-long step challenge.

Get Stepping

AAHI will provide free pedometers to all participants sothey can keep track of how many steps they take eachday. Participants will keep a log of their daily steps.

Your Role

Partnering organizations are responsible for: recruitingteam members; distributing pedometers; collectingindividual logs; reporting the total number of steps takenby all team members back to AAHI

What Happens After

All participants get to keep their pedometer after thechallenge is over. The team with the most number of stepstaken will be the “winner.” All members of the winningteam will get a $25 Giant gift card!

Benefits to Your Organization

This is a great way to create a culture of health andwellness in your community. All partners will be listed inthe AAHI newsletter and in a County-wide press release.



Initiated in 2003 by the International Council on Active Aging, Active Aging Week is a weeklongcampaign that celebrates the positivity of aging and activity.
This year, Active Aging Week takes place from Oct 2nd to Oct 8th.

Your organization is invited to create a team to join our Senior Step Challenge!

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